Questions to ask a christian. 7 Types of Questions to Ask During an Interview

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50 Questions to Ask Before Falling in Love

questions to ask a christian

Before this scientific focus of our modern era, science and logic were apparently seen as subordinate to belief and superstition. Write the questions you want to ultimately answer and work backward from there on how to start teaching those answers at whatever age they are now. Wrap it up with how these experiences uniquely position you for the role. Is the New Testament Picture of Jesus Reliable? Arc you confident that you will make it there? Therefore I would like to ask questions in hopes that someone can explain them and help me more fully understand and trust God. Would it ever be possible for you to reach that standard? If your interpretation of a holy book causes you to condemn your ancestors for having a different interpretation, will your descendants condemn you in the same way? If you are against the Crusades and the Inquisition, would you have been burned alive as a heretic during those events? Whether we want to admit it, everything we believe has been filtered through these life variables.


40 Questions to Ask Christians

questions to ask a christian

So the idea that free will necessitates allowing evil demonstrates an insufficient understanding of the concept of free will. As man, he is able to die for people, and as divine in nature, he is able to appease the person of God the Father. Q Why won't God heal amputees? If your spirit was placed in a body that can experience electrical currents can it not be placed into another body? Additionally, the book of Enoch referenced by Moses etc. Sometimes I send out copyright notices to people who I'm unable to contact with my request for a link because their blog is broken, or they don't respond to the request. Follow Him and have life, or follow satan, and eventually die. Read some of the blueletter commentaries on this. But we can only state what has already been written from the Heavenly Father.


Questions Intellectuals Ask About Christianity

questions to ask a christian

Your answers are no answers at all. Judging by the above mentioned failures, God's plan does not seem to be a very good one. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. Jesus was not familiar with the activities of hell or death. Why would you not follow them instead of God? The Ten Commandments were not the only commandments of God in the old testament. If you're not gaining at all and feel life is empty, then probably it is the devil working in you or are not being acted upon yet.


50 questions believers are asked every day about their faith, God and the Bible

questions to ask a christian

I also found that I had been given a clean relationship with God, a purpose for living, and the assurance of spending eternity with God when I die. To claim that your religion is the right one could be forgiven you but to claim that others will go to hell because they are on a different religion is not for you to decide. Will he feel he has been respected for allowing a person to dewell on his property. How easy would be for you to reverse your sexual orientation? Is this question some kind of a joke? There is tsunami in Japan and other Asian countries. How can you tell the voice of God from a voice in your head? Q Why do innocent children have to suffer with terminal diseases such as cancer? The bible speaks of the prodigal son. Do we have dates that include our friends? The first I would like to clarify is forgiveness.


40 Questions to Ask Christians

questions to ask a christian

In order for the universe to appear from quantum foam, there would have to be a region of space-time full of energy fields such as the Higgs field that would produce a virtual universe. He knew, yet He questioned them. It does not matter what your age is or what life situation you find yourself in. The crusades were perpetrated by those who called themselves Christians, but seemingly failed to live out a Christian life. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Top 10 Ministry Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

questions to ask a christian

How could Satan think that he could have a revolt against someone who is All-Knowing and All-Powerful? Perhaps when we are on the new earth, animals may talk again. See my answer to how can I tell the difference between God and a voice in my head? He didn't even mention which article was the one that was plagiarized. Why do bad things happen to good people? Those folks observe a microscopic sample size that cannot by any standards be deemed statistically significant. To start out, we recommend asking the questions about them and their lives outside of women. If you have poor interview skills, you will likely not make it to the second round of interviews, despite your glowing resume. Also, Jesus is both divine and human hypostatic union. Therefore, those going to Hell will be doing so in a physical body.


Don't ask that in Church: The Top 50 Questions Christians Can't Answer, Answered by a Christian

questions to ask a christian

Or for all the other people who must have seen them crossing countries. But the very fact that they so strongly desire to perceive themselves righteous betrays a commitment to moral realism. What is the history of Christianity? Yes, there are many types of faith, and it's not just limited to religion. Be sure to so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. God did not make us all perfect.


40 Questions to Ask Christians

questions to ask a christian

There are Buddhists who make long pilgrimages, hundreds of miles, by traveling on their knees and kowtowing down to the road. What does the Bible say about Creation and Evolution? She did not come to Christ in that encounter, but she seemed to leave it with a new understanding. It was portrayed in detail on Genesis 34 when Dinah the daughter of Leah was defiled by Shechem the Son of Hamor the Hivite. In addition to that, if he were all-knowing, he would have already known the outcome and, therefore, could have avoided the whole thing all together. Asking a question can be difficult—similar to trying to cap a volcano! It could have just as easily been a multi-galaxy black hole that collapsed and produced a cataclysm capable of wiping away all evidence of the previous section of our universe. When an atheist is kind and charitable out of the kindness of his heart, is his behavior more or less commendable than a religious man who does it because God instructed him to? Surely, there is a reason on why these words appear differently.


22 Questions for Christians

questions to ask a christian

That would mean that people 500 years ago should have lived to at least 200 years old. They knew they were cut off from God. Why is the virgin birth so important? Q Would it make since to live a faithful Christian life glorifying the Lord and to accidentally sin by saying a curse word the instant you smash your car into the back of a tractor-trailer, thereby being condemned to burn in hell forever? You should have a great answer prepared for why you want it: what about the role fits with you and why you would want to be a part of this organization. In John 1:14 It says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us' Jesus Christ came to the Earth. There is no Christian answer that works. Furthermore, contrary to Welfare Christianity and affirmed through real Biblical study, we don't have one life here. As an atheist I am utterly flabbergasted at the direness of your statement.

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